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Showing posts from 2018

A Guide to Different Types and Collections of Jewelry

The tradition of wearing jewelry goes back to the primitive era of man and coincides with the discovery and usage of metallic ores for a gradually evolving society. Many pieces from this ancient era have survived which help historians uncover the kind of life led by our ancestors. And these remains were obtained from sites spread out all across the globe, pointing out that the instinct of wearing jewelry to make one more presentable was a universal phenomenon. Over the years jewelry was forged from metal and different types developed to ornament different parts of the body. Necklaces were meant to be worn around the neck, bracelets on the wrist with earrings hanging through punctured earlobes. For some time, the practice of wearing jewelry was restricted to the elite classes, meant only for those who could afford to dabble in the expensive trade of precious stones and superior metals. However, as it developed into a business industry, the designs grew and aimed to accommodate...